Our Sunday School groups provide friends, support, mission, and outreach opportunities, as well as opportunities to learn about and serve God and humankind. All classes meet each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM.
Check out our classes! Although we have provided general descriptions of each class to assist you in finding a class that you might enjoy, EVERY class is open to EVERY person. So please, don’t hesitate to try out multiple classes until you find a fit that is right for you and your faith journey.
Adult Sunday School
Lots of Thoughts
Young Adults, Singles, Couples and Parents
Lots of Thoughts is a diverse class inclusive of various ages, walks of life, and Biblical thoughts. The diversity of opinion drives open discussions which are respectful and in depth. This is a welcoming group of individuals focused on deepening our commitment to Christ and increasing our love for others. This class is taught by Curt Riffel and generally follows a study book or real world subjects woven with relevant scripture verses and prayer.
The Unity class is comprised of mostly middle aged (45+) adults, both singles and couples. Led by Jo Ann and Tommy Beck, various studies focus on discerning and applying Biblical truths to foster spiritual growth and development. Open discussions involving differing opinions/beliefs are encouraged in a non-threatening and supportive environment. Members strive to grow closer to God and to each other through sharing thoughts and struggles, prayer, class projects, and social events.
The Messengers class is a class of 55+ single and married couples, parents and grandparents, taught by Danny Housewright. Each Bible book study is voted on by the class, and is an interactive and discussion based class. The Messengers pride themselves on a thorough and deliberate, verse by verse study of the Bible. Outreach is very important, with 4 monetary and action based giving events planned each year. Relationships matter, with monthly events planned.
The Seekers class is our longest active and most senior class. The Bible based lessons are presented in an interactive way that encourages discussion. This friendly and caring group of retirees makes it easy for everyone to feel welcome.
Up to 6th Grade
There are two main ways for your children to be involved in our church. We offer Sunday School from 9:00am-10:15 and then the children transition into Worship & Wonder which is an experiential and reflective way to interact with Bible stories. This happens during worship from 10:30am-11:30am. Both of these take place in the One5Twenty Building.
6th - 12th Grade
The ways that your youth aged children (6th-12th grade) can be involved in our church is by coming to Sunday School from 9:00am-10:15am and to come to our weekly youth gatherings which happen after church until about 2:00pm and has lunch provided. Youth typically takes a break during the summer so feel free to call the office to find out what they are doing during the summers!
Join a Small Group.
For more information please call the church office or send an email using the "EMAIL" button below.